December 7, 2022

Yahoo Finance – Real-Time Payments Could Unlock $271 Million of Additional GDP to New Zealand’s Economy by 2027

  • Exclusive Cebr economic impact study reveals macroeconomic benefits and cost savings for consumers and businesses if real-time payments were to be introduced in New Zealand

MIAMI & AUCKLAND, New Zealand, December 01, 2022–(BUSINESS WIRE)–New Zealand’s economy could benefit from additional economic growth of $271 million, or 0.1%, by 2027 — if the country were to introduce a domestic real-time payments scheme, according to a study by the Centre for Economic and Business Research (Cebr) — commissioned by ACI Worldwide (NASDAQ: ACIW), a global leader in mission-critical, real-time payments software, and Payments NZ, the payments industry association responsible for the governance of New Zealand’s core payment systems.

Read the full article.

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