Macroeconomic forecasting
World Economic League Table
Since its first publication in 2009, Cebr’s World Economic League Table (known as the WELT) has established itself as the go to measure of the comparative economic success of different countries.
Media of all kinds around the world eagerly await the release of the latest issue every Boxing Day and it invariably receives huge coverage throughout the world. The WELT is calculated by estimating the current year GDP in current price dollars for each of over 190 world economies, and then forecasting real GDP, inflation and exchange rates for each country over the next 15 years.
WELT 2025
WELT 2025, available from Boxing day:
Macroeconomic forecasting from Cebr
Cebr has won many awards for our macroeconomic forecasting, most recently by Focus Economics in their 2023 forecast awards. We provide economic forecasting to clients on a regular or ad-hoc basis, on either a national, sub-national or industrial/product level basis. If you are interested to hear about how we can support you, please use the below enquiry form
See our latest economic outlook document here