March 15, 2023

The Scotsman – Firms set for major connectivity boost as Openreach ups rollout of ultrafast full fibre across Scotland

The connectivity specialist, which says it builds and maintains the UK’s largest broadband network, is expanding its hi-tech offering that is up to ten times faster than the average home broadband connection in urban areas like Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Stirling and Glasgow and rural parts of regions including Fife, East Lothian, Highland, Aberdeenshire and Dumfries and Galloway during 2023.

It adds that it has invested around £240 million in its new network across Scotland so far, where more than 800,000 homes and businesses are now able to connect to what it says is some of the fastest, most reliable broadband in Europe. Openreach also says it is working with the Scottish and UK Governments to bring the technology to the hardest-to-reach properties, through funded programmes like Reaching 100% and voucher schemes launched by both administrations.

Additionally, the firm cites research from the Centre for Economics & Business Research shows that connecting everyone in Scotland to full fibre broadband would create a £4.5 billion boost to the economy and support thousands of people to return to the workforce.

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