The number of mortgages in negative equity is forecast to rise to 710,000 by Q4
2015, according to a new report on underwater mortgages produced by Cebr for
Further findings of the report as follows:
• The average LTV (Loan-to-value) ratio per mortgage in negative equity is forecast
to rise from 113% in Q4 2013 to 121% by Q4 2015
• The total value of negative equity is expected to be €13bn in Q4 2013 and forecast
to increase to €20bn by Q4 2015
• At the regional level, Cataluña and Comunidad de Madrid have seen the largest
falls in house prices from peak levels. These regions account for 43% of all
mortgages in negative equity in Q4 2013
• LTV ratios amongst those in negative equity are forecast to be highest in Cataluña,
La Rioja and Comunidad de Madrid with ratios of 132%, 130% and 127%
respectively by Q4 2015