March 17, 2023

Evening Standard – Consumer sentiment positive for first time since mini-Budget, YouGov/Cebr survey finds

Consumer confidence in February was positive for the first time since September 2022’s disastrous mini-Budget, according to a monthly survey by YouGov for the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr).

The YouGov/Cebr Consumer Confidence Index was 100.4 in February, with a score above 100 indicating positive sentiment. The  index had plunged by 4.2 points in September – the month of the mini-Budget – before falling another 1.1 points in October.

While the index improved in subsequent  months, the overall score remained negative.

“The turnaround in consumer sentiment adds to the more positive economic picture that has emerged since the start of the year, partly driven by a much more benign outlook for energy prices,” Kay Neufeld, director and head of forecasting and thought leadership at Cebr, said

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