November 3, 2022

Dialogo Americas – Fishing for Security: Taking on Illegal Fishing in Latin America

A recent report by the Centre for Economics and Business Research identified the importance of information sharing in addressing illegal fishing. The agent-based model identified the benefits of information sharing as a powerful tool to deter illegal fishing. The model illustrated many benefits, even when the sharing is limited or only in one direction. The modelling showed that any information sharing, even when not reciprocated, increased the level of biomass, decreased the propensity of IUU fishing, increased revenue from fines, and decreased the amount of illegal catch in the fishery.

Moreover, if an information system is to be used, it needs to be durable. Essential forsustainability is the region’s acceptance of it as the primary information exchange system. For this to happen, there must be trust in the integrity of the system to collect, secure, anddisseminate information under appropriate security protections. A method to maintain the system must also be in place. Finally, there should be value shown for the resources committed.

Read the full article here.

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