June 1, 2016

Cebr in the News

Research in the News:


Research by Cebr in conjunction with Legal and General, titled Bank of Mum and Dad, which calculated that parents helped finance 25% of all UK mortgages transaction this year, amounting to £5bn in 2016, was covered by BBC News, the Daily Telegraph (x2), Newsweek, The Times (x2), the Spectator, the Financial Times (x2), FT AdviserBloomberg and City AM. Nina Skero, author of the report, was interviewed by BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme on launch day.


Research by Cebr for the National Association of Estate Agents (NAEA), a politically neutral economic analysis of the effects on the housing market from a potential Brexit, was covered by the BBC News (x2), ITV News, the Guardian, the Daily Telegraph, the Independent (x2),  the Mirror, the Daily Mail, the WeekHuffington PostCity AM, This is Money and the Evening Standard. Representatives of NAEA were interviewed about the findings of the report by the BBC’s Today Programme, LBC Radio and Sky News. The findings were cited by Iain Duncan Smith on the BBC in disagreement with the Treasury’s assessment that leaving the EU would damage the growth of the UK’s housing market. The same report was also referred to by the Independent in agreement with Chancellor George Osborne’s view. Further, official referendum advice quotes Cebr’s calculations in the report.


The Housing for Inclusive Cities report by Cebr for Global Cities Business Alliance examining the economic impact of high housing costs, the effect on businesses and social wellbeing, and the potential economic gains from affordable housing provision across 15 global cities, was covered by the Daily Telegraph, the Independent, the Financial Times and City AM.


Research out last year by Zapp mobile and Cebr which found that each commuter spends £36 a week on average, rising to £44 a week for London commuters, via their mobiles and tablets, was covered by Huffington Post.


Research by Killik & Co and Cebr on the increasing cost of private education in the UK, was covered by City AM.


A report released last month from Cebr and Nutmeg calculated that the UK household savings ratio, the percentage of personal savings to disposable income, is forecast to fall to its lowest level in 50 years in 2016. David Whitaker, author of the research, was interviewed by BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme and Good Morning Scotland.


Cebr’s monthly Income Tracker for Asda, which measures household disposable income, reached £200 per week for the average household in April for the first time since the Tracker was launched. The results were covered by the Daily Mail and the Sun.


Analysis in the news:


Senior Economist Alasdair Cavalla was quoted by the Guardian Business Blog on weak data from the latest US jobs report.


Cebr President Douglas McWilliams and Director Scott Corfe were quoted by the Scotsman suggesting that in order to address the UK’s current account deficit there would need to be a 10-15% devaluation of the pound. Douglas was also quoted commenting on UK productivity figures, which have grown by only 2% in the first quarter of this year, in the Evening Standard. Douglas also commented on the forthcoming referendum in City AM, and discussing the fall in city bonuses this year to £1bn compared to their peak at £10bn, he was quoted in the Evening Standard. The Scottish Daily Record interviewed Douglas about his book The Flat White Economy, which was published in paperback earlier this year.


Scott’s comments speculating that as weaker economic growth is likely to leave the chancellor missing his deficit reduction targets by a wider margin, revenue-raising measures could take the form of new types of business taxes, such as the apprenticeship levy, were quoted by City AM.


Discussing the Greek economy, Cebr’s Chief Economic Advisor Vicky Pryce, was interviewed by Al Jazeera, CNN and BBC World. Vicky also answered ‘yes’ to the question ‘will Greece’s crisis go on indefinitely without debt relief?’ in City AM. Vicky was later quoted by City AM discussing the outcomes for Greece of the Eurogroup meeting this month. Speaking about Greece in May Vicky was also interviewed by Al Jazeera, Radio 5 Live, Sky News, Talk Radio, CNN, LBC, BBC Wales and Radio Europe. She also appeared on BBC Radio 4’s Any Questions. Vicky was interviewed by Reuters on the G7 meeting covering fiscal policy, currencies and other global risks, and on Brexit and share markets.


Economist Kay Neufeld was quoted in the Scotsman commenting on dashed hopes that UK exports could play a role in decreasing the trade deficit.


Economist Sam Alderson was quoted in City AM and the Guardian discussing the reliance of the UK economy on domestic consumers for economic growth.


Managing Economist Danae Kyriakopoulou was quoted by the Daily Mail and the New York Times commenting on the downward revision of the Eurozone’s apparently strong growth in Q1, describing it as a ‘false dawn for the troubled union’. Commenting on the Eurogroup meeting last week, Danae was quoted by the Guardian Business Blog. Danae also gave her opinion to China Daily on the Government of China’s acquisition of Spanish energy firm Repsol’s offshore wind power business in the UK.





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