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February 1, 2016

Cebr in the News

World Economic League Table (WELT) 2016 Launch


Comments from Scott Corfe, Cebr Director and Danae Kyriakopoulou, Cebr Acting Managing Economist from the launch of Cebr’s WELT 2016 on short-term and long-term prospects for the global economy were covered by Public Finance International.




SC WELT Launch (1)


Bespoke research


Research from Cebr and British Gas which calculated that by 2020, the UK could be saving £1.5bn on its energy bills through increased adoption of energy saving measures, was covered by the Daily Mail.


The UK Powerhouse report from Cebr and Irwin Mitchell, which revealed Milton Keynes and Cambridge will drive the UK economy thanks to the advanced engineering and retail industries, was covered by the Daily TelegraphITV News, Yorkshire Post and City AM.


Cebr’s report for Veracode found that cyber attacks cost UK businesses over £34bn per year. The findings were covered by The Times and Sunday Times magazine RaconteurEvening Standard and City AM.


A study by B.heard and Cebr found that Britons wasted 45 million hours a year trying to resolve problems with customer service providers. The report was covered by the Daily Mail.


Cebr’s research into the economic impact of extreme cold weather revealed that periods of extreme cold weather have lowered GDP growth by 0.6 percentage points in total since 2005. The findings were covered by City AM.


The Impact of the UK being in the Single Market report by Cebr and the Britain Stronger in Europe campaign concluded that staying in Europe could add an extra £58bn a year to the UK economy and bring 790,000 jobs to Britain. Some of the findings were covered by the Financial Times and the Spectator.


A Cebr and Money.co.uk report on the impact of rising deposits and rents on renter’s incomes which found that 15% of landlords are sitting on £514m of unprotected deposits was covered by The TimesThis is Money and the International Business Times.


Analysis in the News


Acting Managing Economist Danae Kyriakopoulou was quoted commenting on the problem of debt and default for the Chinese economy in the Daily Telegraph. Danae was quoted by China Daily commenting on the implications for Chinese overseas investment after the China National Chemical Corp’s acquisition of Germany’s KraussMaffei. Discussing China’s weakened yuan, Danae was quoted in City AM. Danae was interviewed by Clarissa Dann, the editor of Trade and Forfaiting Review on the economic events which have shaped 2015 including a potential Grexit and events in China’s stock market. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YP3UxZcCou0]


This month Danae was included in the list of the 36 best European economists to follow on Twitter by Business Insider and in the list of the 51 best people in European finance to follow on Twitter.


Director Scott Corfe was quoted commenting on the Federal Reserve’s rate rise in December by Reuters. Scott was also quoted discussing global markets in the Irish Independent. Lending analysis on economic growth in the UK in 2015, Scott was quoted in the Guardian.


Economist Nina Skero was quoted in the Guardian commenting on the Federal Reserves’ decision to raise interest rates in December in light of the global slowdown of GDP growth.


Economist Sam Alderson was quoted commenting on the prospects for the Budget in March following the release of the latest set of public sector borrowing figures and initial estimates for GDP growth in Q4 2015 by Reuters, the Guardian and the Daily Mail.


Vicky Pryce, Cebr’s Chief Economic Adviser was quoted in City AM commenting on a recent survey of 500 business leaders which found that firms in London have recorded moderately positive performance, with increasing demand for goods and services in the fourth quarter. Vicky was also quoted in Euro Insight discussing the economic implications of a potential Brexit. Vicky was further quoted on the front page of City AM cautioning that George Osborne may mistakenly target taxes in order to stimulate growth.


Regular research


Cebr’s annual World Economic League Table (WELT) with predictions about the world economy was featured in Fortune magazine.


December’s Asda Income Tracker found that families are likely to have spent less this Christmas despite having £17 a week more in their pockets than last year. Some of the findings were covered by the Belfast Telegraph, the Irish Times and the Yorkshire Post.


YouGov and Cebr’s Consumer Confidence Monitor which showed that in December more people were still optimistic rather than pessimistic about their economic situations, was covered by the Daily Mail. The author of the report, Director Scott Corfe, was quoted commenting on the findings in City AM.





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