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January 1, 2017

Cebr in the News

Regular research:


Cebr’s annual World Economic League Table which forecast that France’s economy will surpass the UK’s over the next five years, was covered by The Times, City AM, the Belfast Telegraph, the Times of India and the Daily Telegraph (x2).


Cebr and Asda’s Income Tracker which in it’s latest iteration calculated that household disposable income in the UK has increased 4.5% over the last year despite price inflation being at a two year high, was covered by City AM and the Daily Mail.


The YouGov/Cebr Business Confidence Index which saw confidence increase in November, was covered by the Sun, the Daily Mail, Reuters and City AM. Scott Corfe, a Director and author of the YouGov/Cebr Consumer Confidence Index was quoted discussing the findings by City AM and Reuters.


Bespoke research:


Cebr research for Open Britain outlining the costs of leaving the single market was covered by the Economist, the Daily Telegraph, the Huffington Post, the Mirror, the Independent and the Daily Mail.


Cebr research for Hft on the financial crisis in social care was covered by the Guardian, who quoted the study’s author Senior Economist Alasdair Cavalla.


A report commissioned by American Express for which Cebr calculated that Christmas is worth an estimated £13.9bn to small shop owners, was quoted by the Independent and the Evening Standard.


Research by Cebr for NetNames which calculated that counterfeiting costs EU governments up to 167bn each year, was covered by the Independent and Le Monde.



Cebr research for British Gas on the expected higher energy costs associated with 4K TVs in the UK  was covered by the Daily Mail (x2).


Analysis in the News


Cebr’s Chief Economic Adviser, Vicky Pryce was quoted commenting on a potential fall in immigration as a result of a weaker pound in the Financial Times and the Irish Times. Vicky was also interviewed by Money Talks (x2, 3) on the topic of the economic implications of Brexit. She later spoke to Share Radio about the crisis facing Europe’s banks and voiced her predictions for the world economy in 2017 in The Times and the Financial Times.


Cebr’s forecasts for UK inflation were covered by the Daily Mail and City AM.


Economist Kay Neufeld was quoted discussing UK inflation in the Sun. Commenting on the likelihood of a Fed rate hike, Kay was also quoted by the Financial Times and the Guardian, and again by the Guardian discussing UK trade in light of Brexit negotiations.


Cebr’s comments on the economic ramifications of the “No” outcome in the Italian referendum were covered by the Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail and the Independent.


Managing Economist Nina Skero answered ‘No’ to the question ‘As analysts predict softer growth in both 2017 and 2018, are we still being too pessimistic about Brexit?’ in City AM.


Senior Economist Alasdair Cavalla was interviewed by China Central TV discussing the Fed rate hike. Commenting on a fall in the Eurozone’s unemployment figures, Alasdair was also quoted cautioning against too much optimism in City AM.


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